Tonight, we went to a local park to just burn some energy since it was SO gorgeous outside (and we needed to get out of the confines of this address for a bit), so Daddy and I took the kiddos to the same park from last night. We all had a great time, just being together. Playing. Sharing Laughs. It was fabulous!
Hannah, Wesley, and I played catch and raced going up/down the slides, while Daddy and Little Robert played baseball - both hitting and catching the balls. We were all having a great time and enjoying every minute of it. The giggles coming from the park, completely warmed my heart!
Finally, Little Robert decided that he would go sit at the other end of the park and Daddy would hit the ball to him. Little Robert did not move from his spot the entire time, until Daddy ran out of t-balls and had to use the very last ball-->, a HARD, pink baseball.
As soon as it was hit, both Daddy and I shared the same thought - MOVE NOW - but we could not get the words out before we heard. . .
Now, I am NOT a runner, but I ran faster than I ever have. Daddy, who is a runner, had a head start as I was still in the jungle gym, but I got there right after he scooped Little Robert up. Immediately, I looked for blood. Asked where the exact injury was. Checked teeth. Went through the 'Mommy Check List,' all while Daddy continued to snuggle and provide the comfort that he desired. At one point, I heard Little Robert whisper into his ear, "It's okay, Daddy. It was an accident." When I was able, I stepped back and realized that there was NO blood. His teeth are all fine. The *only* thing wrong, is a nasty bump coming up on the bottom of his chin. Boy, was I relieved!When we saw just how quickly it was swelling, though, Daddy and I decide that we needed to get home and get an ice pack on it ASAP. Hannah and Wesley, knowing that their brother was hurt began to pick up all of their stuff without questions or fits. Wesley even tried to convince us to let him do the keys - UM NO! We gathered our stuff, came home, and had a little photo op!
However, on the way home, Robert and I hear Wesley talking to Little Robert. Wesley is calling Little Robert's name and as soon as he does, Wesley asks him if he is okay! (This is the proud mommy moment!)
I give Little Robert some motrin as I know that his chin has to hurt - it was hit hard! Then dinner and baths. During bath time, we realize that there needs to be another photo op as it was quickly changing. We were not even an hour later, and it was becoming quite colorful! (Robert is excited to see what it looks like in the morning!)
I know, my heart knows, that he will be fine - it is Daddy's heart that has me concerned and worried. As a parent, you never want to bring pain to your child, even if it is an accident. You never want to be the reason for their tears and hurt. So, tonight, my extra prayer will be for Daddy. I pray that he has peace and understands that what Little Robert told him not a minute after the incident is true - "It's okay. It was an accident."

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