Little Robert, Our Chef / Hannah, Our Waitress / Wesley, Our Bus Boy / Mommy and Daddy, The Restaurant Patron |
About a week ago, Daddy and I decided to take the kiddos to
Spooktakular at the Zoo. He really wanted to go as we had not done
any other festivity with the kiddos this year. I however did not, as the idea of going to the zoo, at night, with lots of other people was just not appealing. Being the wonderful husband that he is, he said that I could stay home, but then the mommy guilt would be too great. After some back and forth about which night would be better, we settled on Thursday night as we thought that out of all the nights, that one would be the best and while we can not say whether our choice was a good one or not, I am glad that we went. . . We all had a great time and I am sure that it will be something that will be a regular occurrence from here on out!
I hope that the pictures allowed you to have a glimpse into all of the fun that we had last night. The kiddos can not decide if they enjoyed being inside the zoo, getting candy, etc OR talking with the police officers, turning on the cruiser lights, playing with the handcuffs. However, they are sure that we all had an incredible time. . . just the 5 of us :-)

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