Ready for the fun to begin! |
Shortly after arriving - Robert and Hannah Racing |
Returning from their race! |
Before I share about today, I want to say that I am so glad that we found Jacksonville Homeschool Kids. I love knowing that there is a great group of people that understand the great joys and struggles that come with parenting AND homeschooling. I love knowing that they are there when you need them. Even though we have only been with them for about 2 months, we have already formed quite a bond. The same can be said for Robert, Hannah, and Wesley. I love hearing Little Robert or Hannah ask me when they can play with their friends again. Or telling me that they had SO much fun with homeschool group. Even when I am having a not so great day personally, their joy and excitement make everything fade into the background!
Learning the kickball rule |
Now onto today. It was our bi-weekly P.E. activity and we all decided upon kickball. My kiddos had never played it before. Even though I had tried to explain it to them, they did not full understand it, which was fine because the other kiddos were in the same boat! We used cones to mark the 4 bases and had plenty of balls to keep the little ones entertained while the big ones tried this new game.
Robert stealing 2nd base! |
Hannah's Home-run
Manning 3rd base |
Robert was VERY possessive over the base! |
No score was kept and no teasing or the "I am better" talk occurred. There was no arguing or fighting. All of the kiddos worked together and had fun. The big kiddos helped the little ones 'play' the game. The kickball experience was great fun!
After kickball, we played a quick round of dodgeball - Boys vs. Girls! Of course, the boys made the girls cry, so the game of dodgeball ended and a game where the boys are statues and the girls have the balls began. When the boys were allowed to move again, Hannah chose to chase after her big brother!
R E V E N G E is sweet! |
Having fun was the was the ultimate goal for today, and I think that was accomplished making today a huge success!

I miss those young home school days!