Can you guess what we did for out Columbus Day Celebration? Daddy was given the choice of overtime at work or quality family time with us, and I am beyond proud that, despite how nice the "extra" would have been, that he chose us! We are all SO lucky to such an incredible man as my spouse and the children's father. Thank you God for this blessing - I could not ask for anything better as he gives SO much of himself all of the time. I know that he would have loved to stayed home and rested or just relaxed, but he chose to join our chaos! Thank you, my love!
ANYHOW, we were going to go to the
St. Augustine Pirate and Treasure Museum with our home school group,
Jacksonville Home School Kids, but because of the
Nor'easter, the group trip was cancelled. However, since we had already told the kiddos ALL about it and they were quite excited, there was no cancelling it for us and we are very grateful that the weather held out! So, mid-morning, we loaded up the van, and made the short drive down to St. Augustine. (The kiddos loved this too because we had just discussed St. Augustine a few weeks prior in history!)
When we arrived, Daddy dropped me and the kiddos off on
St. George Street so that he could go park the van, and it just so happened that we were in front of the
oldest wooden school house in America!
In front of the school house! |
After waiting for a very short while (although it seemed like A LOT longer!), daddy joined us and we were off to the pirate museum. On the short walk over, we spoke more about the history of the city. We spoke about the
fort and the canons as we walked parallel to the it on our way into the museum. As soon as their eyes saw the
doubloons and
skulls/crossbones there were no more history - just good times!
After paying the outrageous amount to get in (I thought that 5 and under were free - and NOT under 5 - UGH!), we were ready, but there were rules:
- The first, since I had just bought a delicious coffee, they made the rule that there was no food/drink allowed.
- And second since we are parents who LOVE to take pictures, they made the rule that you can not take pictures.
I reluctantly obliged with the coffee, but when my kiddos are having fun and it is a moment that can be captured with a photo, I will take a pic. . .no matter what, and yes, I did get scolded for this by the staff, but oh well! :-)
I hope that you enjoy our *VERY* illegal pictures:
Our first look inside the museum! |
A dresser that was also a treasure chest - along with pirate bones on the floor! |
Daddy helping my not so little ones see! |
Wesley trying to see the exhibits! |
Robert absolutely LOVED this museum! |
Daddy and Robert working the cannon - Wes and Hannah were SCARED! |
"TOO loud, Mommy!" ~ Hannah |
Robert discovered the Rosary! |
Exploring while trying to stay safe from the the pirates! |
We were intrigued that he "really" breathed! |
Robert exploring his treasure map. |
The *real* pirate helping with the cannons. |
The cannon! |
After the pirate museum, we walked on St. George Street for a few minutes - we were hoping to find some Halloween constumes in one of the stores. We had no luck, but while we were waiting on a bench for daddy,
he found a cute store that created this
for us! I think that it is SO cute! There is another one in a box, but I have NO idea where the box is and no idea what it could say. . . I am pretty sure that it does say something though!
After leaving St. George street for good, it was beyond lunch time and the kiddos were quite fussy and hungry. I packed them lunch, but forgot the minor detail of something for Robert and myself! So, we stopped and got a little something for us and then made our way to the
St. Augustine Lighthouse Museum Park. This was another perfect teaching moment as we were able to teach and explain a lighthouse and all that if does. We were also able to explain navigation equipment and how far technology has come. It was an enjoyable/teaching/learning experience for all!
After eating, we all enjoyed playing on the structures, swinging, climbing trees, and just being kiddos!
One of the few pictures of me and the kiddos! |
Mommy and Daddy |
It was a great, long, well worth every minute kind of day. We all had an incredible time - 2 days later, the kiddos are STILL remembering every *little* detail. Yesterday on our way to the doctor, they asked me if we were going to St. Augustine. During our prayers, the kiddos are grateful for this adventure and pray that they can go again soon. I think that it is safe to say it left a good impression on them!
Thank you again, Robert for not going into work, but choosing to spend the crazy, chaos filled day with us. It means so much to all of us.

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