We had been counting the days until this science club meeting. All the kiddos knew was that we were all required to have safety goggles for our eyes and that there would be something really neat! Above and beyond that, they had no idea! They all had their hypothesis as to what was going to happen, and they were all great ideas! The kiddos guessed everything from explosions to cooking. Bedtime last night was quite easy with the bribe of potentially missing science club today!
The white grape juice with dry ice. |
When we arrived and the kiddos all sat down, they were finally told what we were learning about today :
DRY ICE! They were quite excited, but they had no idea as to what it was! Ms. Kitty led the group and had purchased a
kit from
Steve Spangler Science.
Our first experiment was putting a piece of dry ice and a piece of regular ice in seperate cups, allowing them to melt, and discussing what was left in the cup at the end. (The kiddos were beyond excited when, at the end of class, one cup had water and the other was empty! How crazy?!?!)
Our next experiment of adding dry ice to a pitcher of white grape and apple juice. The kiddos LOVED watching the bubbles through the pitcher! After the dry ice completely dissolved, each child was able to taste the juice of their choice. Robert chose the apple and was convinced it tasted like sour patch kids! The white grape remained unchanged according to the kiddos present!
Then, each kiddo was allowed to come up to the science table and hold a
dry ice/soap bubble on their hand. They had to wear a glove or the bubble would burst because of the dirt and oils on their hands. Robert and Hannah had a great time with this one. Wesley wanted to try it for a while, so I put his goggles an glove on, but he became terrified at the last minute!
Let the hands on experiment begin! |
Hannah was indifferent about holding it, but LOVED stepping on it! |
Robert LOVED every minute of this! |
He had trouble keeping his hand straight. |
Little Robert has been speaking about these experiments all afternoon. He is desperate to try it again as he had THAT much fun! In fact, during our prayers tonight, when I asked him what he was thankful for, he said Ms. Kitty and all of her science fun! I think she made an impression on him.

*tear* even after you told me this, I teared up after reading it...:) THIS is why I started this group!! I do want to hear their ideas, tho!! Maybe a future activity!!