I know that for Robert and I, the past 7 years, 10 months, 3 weeks, and 2 days have been FULL of ups and downs. There are definitely times that neither of us are proud of. There have been times where instead of cleaving to one another, we have confided in our friends or family. But then there are even more times, specifically these past 3 years, where we cleave whole heatedly to the other. Where we have created a marriage SO strong that nothing could break it. I am not saying that it is perfect, as we are FAR from perfect, but we have learned to cleave to and rely on the other. We have realized that our marriage, just like every relationship, needs to be pampered and taken care of. That when our kiddos grow up and leave the house, it will still be just Robert and I and we need to maintain OUR relationship as husband and wife, and not just that of mommy and daddy - although that is all that I call him now as it is easier that of me: Robert - boys: Which Robert? - me: BIG (or little).
For us, the vows that we said to each other that sunny Saturday in November have held true in all areas of out life - In sickness and in health. In good times and in bad. Till death do us part.
I hope that you enjoy the article as much as we both did!
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