Daddy arrived home from work tonight shortly after I put all of the kiddos in bed. Hannah and Robert insist on sleeping in the same room as they are inseparable. As he walks into the room, he sees that Robert is at Hannah's kitchen. He asks them what is going on, and this is what he was told:
- Hannah: We're cooking you dinner.
- Little Robert: Yeah. daddy. It's going to be yummy.
- {Hannah hands Daddy a plate of plastic food, to which Little Robert takes and brings it to the 'kitchen'}
- Daddy {Perplexed}: Robert, why did you take my dinner away?
- Little Robert: She didn't burn it like mommy does.
Now, I admit that I am no Food Network star, but I do not *routinely* burn food - Yes I burned the pasta yesterday, but I can not remember anytime before that! Oh, and need I mention that he does not even eat my food?! He is so picky, that he will not even touch it! So, despite what he says, my food is edible, not like this. . .

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