Thursday, September 15, 2011

You is Kind. You is Smart. You is Important.

I am sure that we have all heard these words by now, but in case you have not, they are from the absolutely incredible book, The Help by Kathryn Stockett. The movie is in theaters now, but in my opinion, the book is SO much better than the movie - Regardless, those words - You is Kind. You is Smart. You is Important. - are an integral part of the story. The hired help, Abileen, tells her 'white baby,' Mae Mobley, this daily. She tries to make her see that she is important even if her mother is too busy to notice her. That she is a precious and much welcomed, loved, and cherished child, regardless of anyone or anything. . .

I came across an article today, and it reminded me of this, especially given the events of yesterday. In a nutshell, it said that you are perfect. That women in today's society try SO hard to look for imperfections and lack self-confidence. That we need to instead focus on the positive. That God made each and every one of us individual and unique. . .

I am always amazed that when I have a truly downer of a day, there is someway that God will speak to my heart and let me know that this is all in the ultimate plan for my life. That the areas I see as a BIG deal, are not that at all. That things are okay and life will go on!

Dear God,
I have been told I am a sinner and unworthy because I am human.
For, as a human being, I make mistakes.

I cannot dispute that I make mistakes, God.
It seems, sometimes, like my entire life is trial and error.
The worst part is, sometimes, I make a mistake over again
Because I did not learn from it the first time.

It is easy to judge myself and withhold love when I look at my life.
After all, God, am I smart enough?
Successful enough?
Loving enough?
Rich enough?
Thin enough?
Can I ever be?

More importantly
Have I given anything to the world that it really needed?
Or have I concentrated on what I saw as my shortcomings
Instead of concentrating on my talents?

I know how to criticize myself, Lord.
I have been very good at it.
But I am realizing it keeps me feeling small.
And that keeps me from contributing the beauty in my soul.
So teach me how to accept and love myself as I am.

For, although I am grown, it is my nature
—my human nature—
to keep trying things, as a child tries.
As a child falls, I have fallen.
That does not make me bad in Your eyes.
It makes me brave.

For I am resilient, and I never give up trying new things.
Which is how You created me. You created me as a seeker.
You gave me courage to fall and stand up again.
You gave me curiosity
That wants to know and see and experience.

So, like a child, sometimes I get in trouble.
Or, sometimes, what I do winds up not feeling so good.

Guide me, Lord, so that I explore and savor life in safety.
Help me know I am worthy
—infinitely worthy—
Of Your protection and love.

Just as my infant child is worthy of my love when she falls,
So am I worthy of my own love as I explore life.

Fill me with love for myself.
Transform me with new appreciation.
May these words resonate throughout my body, mind and spirit.
Align me with my highest good as I say them.

I am worthy of tender care.
I am worthy of a life I love.
I am worthy of loving friends and family.
I am worthy of wonderful work.
I am worthy of peaceful thoughts.
I am worthy of a peaceful world.
I am worthy of a healthy body.
I deserve happiness.
I deserve Your guidance and protection.

I am entirely worthy.
And the miracle is, when I accept all this good as my Divine Right
Then I serve You better.
I serve You at the highest level.
I serve You in joy, in gratitude and in freedom.
I serve You with no agenda other than loving You and All That Is.

So I accept my worthiness now and I am made anew.
I live in Your heart, bathed in Your love for me.
Because, since You cherish me, I can do no less.

Thank You, Divine Friend, Companion, Creator.
You bless my life with such meaning.
My life is my prayer to You.
And so it is.

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