Wednesday, September 7, 2011

U G H!

So, today has been a hard day. Not sure why as the weather is BEAUTIFUL and the kiddos are doing great (for the most part) but I am just feeling SO stressed/frazzled/beyond myself/anxious etc etc. On top of that, this wonderful nerve is really trying to be the boss today. It just seems like the harder I try to get on top of this, the worse it gets.

We had a lot planned for today - I wanted to take the kiddos to the zoo to see the frogs as we have talked about frogs a lot this week. We wanted to go to FFC tonight, but I am hurting a bit too much for that. We are preparing for our party tomorrow. So much, yet so little of it is actually happening.

Today was also the first day I started History with Little Robert and that was a total disaster. He is so much like his mama and is not a fan of book work. So, I feel like I have failed him by not teaching it in a way that best suits his needs and wants. . .

But the biggest thing looming over my head is the household stuff - the cooking, cleaning, laundry. I feel like my house is a disaster (I understand that this is completely inacurate as my house is pretty darn clean right now, but the slipper at my foot needs to be put away. The yellow stool needs to go back to the bathroom. The little things.) I have not 'cooked' in forever and that is something I find pleasure in, but can not figure out how to fit that into our schedule. And then there is the laundry - Oh, the laundry. . .

This gets its own section! When Robert and I first married, I banned him from the laundry because I am a bit OCD about it. This was my first mistake. Then I am OCD about the way it is folded and put away - My second mistake. So for 8 (or so) years, I have been the only one doing the laundry, but lately I have become even lazier. I will pull out my clothes and his clothes, but leave the kiddos clothes in there. They build up and build up until it is an overwhelming amount of kiddie clothes. . .

 So, in talking to my fabulous husband today, I was sharing some of my frustrations with him, most importantly the laundry. He was kind and understanding and just listened as I went on and on. We hung up and then I received the sweetest text message:

"When I get home tonight, after the kids are in bed, I will fold all of their clothes."

WOW! In 8 years, the only time that he has done laundry is when I am physically unable to stop him (like after having a baby or surgery). I am still trying to pick my jaw up off of the floor!

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