For the past year, Wesley has been riding a balance bike that we borrowed from a friend. He adored this thing and was just incredible on it - doing all sorts of tricks and stunts. Giving mommy a heart attack nearly every single time he was on it!

Daddy and I have been using this bike as an experiment of sorts. We were wanting to see if it would make a difference when it came to transition to a 'Big Boy Bike.' Given the fact that he was quickly outgrowing the Strider, we decided that the time was now. However, there was one big problem - Wesley had no idea how to pedal! Because of this, we decided to leave the training wheels on until he knew how to pedal...
This afternoon, I decided to give it a go and let him truly ride for more than the mere 2 minutes he had done prior. Within a few minutes, I realized that Wesley pedaling was not happening as the training wheels were to high, preventing the rear wheel from touching the ground - making it near impossible for him to move. Therefor, the decision was made to remove the training wheels and hope for the best...
Once the training wheels were removed, we made sure that Wesley was fully padded - knees and elbows - and then onto the bike he went. I was fully expecting to hold onto him as he balanced and tried to pedal, but Wesley had other plans...
He literally climbed onto the bike, asked for a push, and took off down the street before I could process that my 4 year old was riding a 2 wheel pedal bike for the very first time with absolutely no help! Within 20 minutes, we had made our way around the block 2 times, as well as showed off for every single neighbor that was willing to watch!
All of us, Daddy, Lil' Robert, Hannah, and I, are SO very proud of him. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect him to just take off like he did! I am still quite shocked with just how simple the transition was from the 2 wheel balance bike to the 2 wheel pedal bike!
I would say that our experiment was a success!
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