Today was incredible! Today was exhausting. Today was a Mother's Day that I will forever remember...

After almost 30minutes of snuggling with Lil' Robert, he was finally asleep. As I tried to sneak out of the room, Hannah woke. I laid with her on the floor for nearly an hour and, of course, every. single. time. that I tried to leave, she would wake up, cry, and beg to snuggle longer. I would lay back down, only to repeat the scenario a few minutes later! OYE! Eventually, I gave her my Kindle and told her to read the horse books and I would return to snuggle in a bit...

At some point after 3, Wesley came running and screaming into my room. He needed his mommy 'nuggles'! I pulled him in bed between daddy and I and we all fell back asleep!

This worked for a very little bit - maybe 5 minutes - until I was back out here breaking up another fight! So our day started out early and abruptly - but with PLENTY of Happy Mother Day's thrown between the arguments!

Just before 8, we woke daddy so that we could get ready for the nursery. As I was in the bathroom getting ready, daddy, Lil' Robert, Hannah, and Wesley presented me with a beautiful picture. (see top of post)
The rest of the day was spent at the nursery, watching as the police pulled over speeders in San Marco, taking (or attempting to take) naps, Mass (where daddy and I both received Holy Communion with Lil' Robert AND he received the Precious Blood for the first time ever!), and dinner with Grandma...
It was an absolutely fabulous day full of little things from my children at every turn. I truly think this might be the first year that they understood the value of today!
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