Robert, Dante, Hannah, and Aahliya |
This past Wednesday, we had our bi-weekly PE Club meeting. This time, it was our rescheduled 'Wheels Day.' We loaded the van with our bikes, scooters, skateboards, and tricycles! Of course, we also packed our helmets and knee/elbow pads to ensure safety and plenty of water, juice, and snacks.
When we first arrived at Huffman Park, there was another home school group there - according to many, this had never happened before and had many of us on edge as there were SO many kiddos. . . But after they left, it was just JHSK that remained to enjoy this beautiful day and new wheel adventures. . .
There were 3 rules before the fun began:
- Safety first - ALWAYS
- Share what you brought.
- Try new things.
After everyone was geared up, the fun began and lasted 5 hours! They were having such a great that we parents did not have the heart to disrupt it. . . not to mention, it was a great break from the chaos of the day to day, hour to hour, minute to minute - a welcomed escape!!
"Where is Wesley?" |
Robert on ROLLER SKATES for the first time! |
Robert's first wipe out! |
We found GIANT acorns! |
Searching for acorns and witches! |
Wesley is a bit confused! |
Hannah's turn! |
Her first wipe out! |
All smiles after falling down! |
Hannah helping Little Robert on the sidewalk. |
Working together - Robert is trying to do it on his own while Hannah insists that he lets her help. . . she eventually won! |
Pretty girl! |
Wesley loved sliding on wheels day. |
Because it is too easy to take the stairs. |
In case you can not tell, we had a great time. We had an an exhausting 5 hours of excitement, fun, and memories! Like always, the kiddos are counting down the days until the next park/PE day with our friends!

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