Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Many Little Blessings ~ Ten of My Favorite Homeschooling Sites

This is a grzeat list for homeschoolers that have just started or have been doing it for years. Ten of My Favorite Homeschooling Sites

Her website, www.manylittleblessings.com, is a great resource in general.....

Friday, May 18, 2012

Father Norman Weslin

I was given the unique opportunity to spend 10wks with this incredible man during the summer of 2002.

That summer, my life changed in so many ways. I met the man I call my husband. I walked across the southeast proclaiming the beauty of life one step at a time. I was away from my family for the first time ever. I had recently been diagnosed with depression. My baby brother had been in Heaven only 5months. I made many incredible friendships. I grew in my faith. I met Fr. Norman Weslin........

A few hours ago, I received the phone call informing me of his death. At first I was in complete denial - this incredible man. A man who became my spiritual father. A man who would hear my confessions over and over. A man that would wipe my tears. A man who spoke with me in the middle of the night while I was scared and alone in the ICU that summer after my snake bite. A man who almost concelebrated our Nuptial Mass. A man who meant so much to me... could this man really, truly have left this world?

I know that he is now in Heaven rejoicing with our Heavenly Father. I know that he is holding his wife so closely as it has been just over 30yrs since she died. I know that he is no longer suffering. I know that he is able to look down and see all of the good that he did while on this earth. All of the babies he saved and life's he touched. I know that Heaven has just gained another Saint....

Father Weslin, words cannot express the gratitude I have in my heart for all that you did for me. I always loved hearing your name on the news. I loved hearing all that you did for the unborn. Father, I have wanted to give my children the opportunity to meet you. The opportunity to attend one of your Masses. Both my husband and I love you and miss you dearly. Thank you for all that you did for me during those 10wks...and beyond!
I pray that you are holding your wife close while you both dance the angels.
I rest assured knowing that you are in Heaven and able to hear my prayers and listen to me heart. Please know that my prayers are with you, Father....

Pro-Life champion Fr. Norman Weslin’s death is ‘Heaven’s gain,’ Fr. Pavone says | LifeSiteNews.com

LifeSiteNews Mobile | I thought I was pro-life but God told me I had the ‘spirit of abortion’

An absolutely beautiful article on the realities of contraception.....

LifeSiteNews Mobile | I thought I was pro-life but God told me I had the ‘spirit of abortion’

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

What A Day

Yesterday was a LONG day - and that is an understatement. It began at 1:15 with Hannah waking up because her tummy hurt. She was sobbing in pain and misery and I knew from her cries that it was THE tummy ache. I gave her some milk to try and help things. Applied my rice/lavender warm pack. And just laid with her. We said some prayers and within 15 minutes it was gone. She quickly fell fast asleep again and I returned to bed. At about 4:30am, Wesley woke up because he was thirsty. I gave him a sip of water and settled him back into bed where he passed out again! Finally at about 5:15am, the kiddos started waking. After the ups and downs of the night, I had no energy to fight them so we just snuggled together on the couch and they all fell back asleep until 6:15 when Hannah's tummy ache returned. I repeated all of the steps from 5 hours earlier, but this time, it was not working. I rubbed her tummy with some essential oils. Prayed with her. Worried for her. And contemplated if I should call Dr. Nick.  At about 7:15 I was ready to call Dr. Nick when she began to perk up. Within the hour, she was eating and running around - this tummy stuff is incredible! Once Hannah was fine, I began school with the kiddos. They were all very motivated to start/finish because they knew that there was a special treat in the end - baseball/softball goodies! We finished school, the kiddos received their prizes, we did our chores and cleaned up, and then we were off to Aahliya's Birthday Party. What a treat that was for the next 4 hours! The kiddos loved it. Nobody became sunburned - a difficult task with fair kiddos. It was just a great time. On our way out, I got a lollipop for the kiddos as my thank you for leaving the fun without throwing a fit. Well, luck would have it that Robert's was missing a corner. Normally this would be no big deal, but to a cranky kiddo who is absolutely exhausted, it was the end of the world. In the midst of dealing with this crisis a monsoon hits and I have to pull over. During this time, my phone rings and it is my neighbor. Apparently, we lost power - great! The only way in/out of my house is the garage door because of the safety locks for the kiddos - we were completely locked out and JEA was estimating it to be turned on around 6pm.....It was 3:30. Well, we were down the road from my sister in law so we decided to stop in at her house. We make it to her house and the rain stops. I am opening the doors when Hannah informs me that she is about to throw up. I leap to the back of the van just in time to be standing directly in front of her when the contents of her stomach explode.....on me! JOY! I get her, the car seat, and all of the other items now covered with Hannah's vomit out of the van and begin to clean. So, now, we are not going to hang out at mt SIL's place for a few hours until the power is on, so I clean the van while Hannah sits in the front. I pack up all of the contaminated items and we head out to an unknown destination. At about 5p, I get a phone call telling me that the power is on! WOO HOO! Thank you, God! We head home. Take care of what needs to be done. Feed the non vomiting kiddos and they are all in bed at 7 with me not to far behind...... When I put my head on my pillow last night, I quietly thanked God for allowing me to not only survive the day, but also that the day had FINALLY ended.....

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Aahliya's ~*Water Park*~ Birthday Party

This was the kiddos first ever trip to a pool with a slide of any type..... much less twisty, turning ones, a lazy river, and best of all, a pirate ship!!!!! 

Here are our exciting pictures ~ As usual, they are out of order, but you should get the idea!!
Hannah was purple - the water was cold and when it was overcast, the breeze was a little chilly.....my kiddos with no fat on them spent the time shivering and shaking, but had a great time!

Wesley carrying all of the drinks!
Hannah had to close her eyes EVERY time she went down the slide!
The birthday crew (minus 2 little girls!) We had the entire water park to ourselves for the last 90 minutes!
Wesley was SO very tired after lunch!
Here comes Robert!
Pretending to play games....
Wesley survived the slide!
Eyes closed....again!
He made it down!
Robert LOVED every second of it - walked the entire lazy river. He is already begging to go back!
My super cold and super tired Wesley!
Post-slide, swimming to the stairs!
Not too thrilled that I put her in a float on the lazy river!
Thank you Mr. Life Guard for 'catching' Wesley!
He did it!
Here comes Wesley!
Back to the slides with Aahliya in front!
He adored the green slide when he was not shivering and blue!
The Pirate Ship!
Green slide fun!
Robert helping Hannah gt to the stairs!
They made it!
Trying to get a family picture and only 1 kiddo cooperates!
2nd attempt......
I quit!
"Don't leave - we will focus!"
"See, we are ready!"
The GIANT yellow slide that the kiddos adored!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day....Well, Weekend! *pictures*

Picking out the hydrangeas (Just like Grampy had in MS and we planted after Hannah was born - Also to remind me of my oldest sister who has one of the greenest thumbs I have ever seen!)
Picking out the hydrangeas (Just like Grampy had in MS and we planted after Hannah was born - Also to remind me of my oldest sister who has one of the greenest thumbs I have ever seen!)
Robert creating....

Hannah with her stone and plant!
Hannah created Mommy!
Hannah wanted mommy on her stone!
At dinner Saturday night with Mommy and Grandma
At dinner Saturday night with Mommy and Grandma
At dinner Saturday night with Mommy and Grandma
At dinner Saturday night with Mommy and Grandma
Robert Creating

Robert Creating!
Robert's Plant and Stone
Robert's Stone
Our future University of Florida kicker!
Mommy Cards :-) I LOVE them!
(sorry blog friends, you don't get my info!)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

My Mommy Day

Because we have plans tomorrow, the decision was made to celebrate today. And let me say, this has been, hands down, my favorite Mother's Day as far as pampering goes......

It all began with daddy waking with the kiddos at 5:40 this morning. At first Wesley crawled into bed with me like usual, until Ms. Hannah woke and came in. She, in a not so quite voice, reminded Wesley that they were to wake Daddy and NOT Mommy today! It took some convincing and Daddy waking up, but Wesley eventually gave in and went with daddy. After Daddy, Hannah, and Wesley left, I rearranged my pillows and passed out - again! The next thing I know, I am waking up on my own, and it is 10:15am! I slept for 11 hours and 40 minutes! I no sooner figured that out when I fell back asleep for 30 more minutes - I guess my body was exhausted! :-)

Once I was finally awake, I laid in bed waiting for signs of my family. After a short while, I heard the garage door open and my family come inside. I then heard 'My Mom' by Tony Bennett being lip synced by my 3 beauties and husband - appearantly they had spent an hour practicing before waking me! Once they finished singing, they presented me with a CD of many very special mommy songs! After this, I was presented with breakfast......at the kitchen table!

Once breakfast was over, I snuggled with my babies while daddy worked on a something outside. As we snuggled, daddy called the kiddos one at a time outside to work on a mystery project. Once this was over, we all went out to the backyard where daddy and the kiddos had bought 4 beautiful planters and hydrangias. (???) When the planting was over, he pulled out stepping stones that the kiddos had created! I am absolutely in love with all of their hard work!

After this, we all came inside so the little ones could rest for a bit. As soon as Wes woke from his slumber, we took the kiddos out front so they could ride bikes. Little Robert and Hannah LOVE doing 'performances' now that they can both ride big kid bikes. What a treat it is to enjoy watching my kiddos enjoy each other so very much. After a bit, we had to come inside and get cleaned up for dinner.

We left the house, picked up Grandma Riker, and drove towards some unknown location! We ended up at Jax's Ale House where the food was just so-so, but the company was fabulous! It is always a special treat to go out to dinner.....especially when the kiddos behave! It was a great deal of fun!

By the time we left the restaurant, dropped Grandma off, and arrived home, it was after 9pm and 3 kiddos were sound asleep in a deep coma like sleep - Hannah remained sleeping through her attempt to undress standing up!- so they just went to bed fully clothed! They all stayed asleep, so daddy and I had time to talk and regroup - a perfect ending to a perfect day!

I could not ask for anything more to celebrate today. I felt so loved and appreciated. So cherished. I felt like the best mommy my kiddos have ever had! (And the best wife my husband has ever had :-)

UPDATE: It is 1am and Little Robert just woke up vomiting.... maybe a not so perfect ending to a percfect day :-/ My poor baby....

Friday, May 11, 2012

What to Do On the Hard Days of Mothering

Such a great read as we approach Mother's Day - We ARE the absolute best mother our children could ask for!

What to Do On the Hard Days of Mothering

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Our Last 1st Grade CCD

Well, tonight was Little Robert's final 1st Grade CCD gathering. I survived my first year with him being taught by someone other than myself, and he survived his first year in a true classroom. We owe all of this to Mrs. Yip, his fabulous, faith filled teacher. She truly made these past months an easy transition for all....

This year, all of the kiddies knew what Wednesday night meant - we eat dinner early and bathe immediately after. Then Robert (and most of the time Hannah) get dressed in nice clothes while Wesley puts on his pajamas. Almost always by the time this is done, Daddy is pulling in the driveway ready to grab the big kids and make the journey to Christ the King. Once they leave, Wesley and I would load in daddy's truck and head over to Dairy Queen for an M&M Blizzard and the ever important, glass of water! We would eat our treat and then head home to snuggle until *most of the time*, we both fell into a deep slumber! I adored this time spent 1:1 with my sweet Wesley.

By about 8:30, I would hear the garage door open, shortly followed by the sounds of daddy and 2 kiddos slurping on icees - all while debating some new concept they just learner at CCD! I loved hearing their versions of apologetics! :-)

Once they were inside and the apologetics 101 ended, we would quickly get in pajamas, brush teeth, say prayers, and complete the entire 2.6 million activities in getting the kids to bed every single night! So, on Wednesday nights, they were able to stay up 2.5hrs after their bedtime (and of course, they were up by 5 the next morning, leaving them only 7hrs of sleep :-/) Without fail, they were always so very grumpy the next day, but well worth it!

Sadly tonight was it for the next 3 months. As is the norm with our faith, the year ended with a Mass. Little Robert sat next to HIS Mrs. Yip the entire time. Occasionally, daddy and I would look over to see him looking at her with a huge grin on his face - he is truly in love!

When it came time for the certificates, Little Robert realized that he would be able to go on the STAGE (aka altar!) When Mrs. Yip stood to go up there, he was a bit confused and started to go with her until we stopped him. As she was calling names, Little Robert began to look a bit distraught - he was beginning to think they forgot him. When his name was called, it was beautiful. He was so excited. It took all he had NOT to run up there!

All in all,, I must say that I am so very glad that our first experience with 'school' was incredibly positive and for that we owe all of our gratitude to Mrs. Yip and all of the love she gave to all of us.

Monday, May 7, 2012

The Asian Tiger • Japan • is in danger of extinction | LifeSiteNews.com

I read this article with tears in my eyes - there is very little respect for the sanctity of human life from conception until natural death. The number of people undergoing sterilization procedures and using artificial birth control is crazy. The lack of respect for the human body and how it works is sad.

A while back, some friends told me about their experience through Project SnowFlake (an organization that allows parents to put their unused IVF embryos up for adoption. When they are thawing these little ones, about 50% die. Each time that they went in for the implantation, they informed the embryologist that they would take the babies that had not survived the thawing home - this brought years to my eyes. How absolutely beautiful is that?!?! They recognized that these 'blastocysts' were already children. They already had a soul. They had just been called home to our Heavenly Father before anybody here on earth had a chance to know them.... what a beautiful statement to the sanctity of ALL human life!

We shall pray for a return in the respect for all life. For Japan to open their eyes and realize that things must change before things get any worse. For all that do not respect life and feel they are 'helping others' by offering artificial birth control, sterilizations, and abortions.....

The Asian Tiger ― Japan ― is in danger of extinction | LifeSiteNews.com

Dangerous housewives | LifeSiteNews.com

I hope that you enjoy this as much as I have! :-)

Dangerous housewives | LifeSiteNews.com
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