Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Our Last 1st Grade CCD

Well, tonight was Little Robert's final 1st Grade CCD gathering. I survived my first year with him being taught by someone other than myself, and he survived his first year in a true classroom. We owe all of this to Mrs. Yip, his fabulous, faith filled teacher. She truly made these past months an easy transition for all....

This year, all of the kiddies knew what Wednesday night meant - we eat dinner early and bathe immediately after. Then Robert (and most of the time Hannah) get dressed in nice clothes while Wesley puts on his pajamas. Almost always by the time this is done, Daddy is pulling in the driveway ready to grab the big kids and make the journey to Christ the King. Once they leave, Wesley and I would load in daddy's truck and head over to Dairy Queen for an M&M Blizzard and the ever important, glass of water! We would eat our treat and then head home to snuggle until *most of the time*, we both fell into a deep slumber! I adored this time spent 1:1 with my sweet Wesley.

By about 8:30, I would hear the garage door open, shortly followed by the sounds of daddy and 2 kiddos slurping on icees - all while debating some new concept they just learner at CCD! I loved hearing their versions of apologetics! :-)

Once they were inside and the apologetics 101 ended, we would quickly get in pajamas, brush teeth, say prayers, and complete the entire 2.6 million activities in getting the kids to bed every single night! So, on Wednesday nights, they were able to stay up 2.5hrs after their bedtime (and of course, they were up by 5 the next morning, leaving them only 7hrs of sleep :-/) Without fail, they were always so very grumpy the next day, but well worth it!

Sadly tonight was it for the next 3 months. As is the norm with our faith, the year ended with a Mass. Little Robert sat next to HIS Mrs. Yip the entire time. Occasionally, daddy and I would look over to see him looking at her with a huge grin on his face - he is truly in love!

When it came time for the certificates, Little Robert realized that he would be able to go on the STAGE (aka altar!) When Mrs. Yip stood to go up there, he was a bit confused and started to go with her until we stopped him. As she was calling names, Little Robert began to look a bit distraught - he was beginning to think they forgot him. When his name was called, it was beautiful. He was so excited. It took all he had NOT to run up there!

All in all,, I must say that I am so very glad that our first experience with 'school' was incredibly positive and for that we owe all of our gratitude to Mrs. Yip and all of the love she gave to all of us.

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