Sunday, May 13, 2012

My Mommy Day

Because we have plans tomorrow, the decision was made to celebrate today. And let me say, this has been, hands down, my favorite Mother's Day as far as pampering goes......

It all began with daddy waking with the kiddos at 5:40 this morning. At first Wesley crawled into bed with me like usual, until Ms. Hannah woke and came in. She, in a not so quite voice, reminded Wesley that they were to wake Daddy and NOT Mommy today! It took some convincing and Daddy waking up, but Wesley eventually gave in and went with daddy. After Daddy, Hannah, and Wesley left, I rearranged my pillows and passed out - again! The next thing I know, I am waking up on my own, and it is 10:15am! I slept for 11 hours and 40 minutes! I no sooner figured that out when I fell back asleep for 30 more minutes - I guess my body was exhausted! :-)

Once I was finally awake, I laid in bed waiting for signs of my family. After a short while, I heard the garage door open and my family come inside. I then heard 'My Mom' by Tony Bennett being lip synced by my 3 beauties and husband - appearantly they had spent an hour practicing before waking me! Once they finished singing, they presented me with a CD of many very special mommy songs! After this, I was presented with the kitchen table!

Once breakfast was over, I snuggled with my babies while daddy worked on a something outside. As we snuggled, daddy called the kiddos one at a time outside to work on a mystery project. Once this was over, we all went out to the backyard where daddy and the kiddos had bought 4 beautiful planters and hydrangias. (???) When the planting was over, he pulled out stepping stones that the kiddos had created! I am absolutely in love with all of their hard work!

After this, we all came inside so the little ones could rest for a bit. As soon as Wes woke from his slumber, we took the kiddos out front so they could ride bikes. Little Robert and Hannah LOVE doing 'performances' now that they can both ride big kid bikes. What a treat it is to enjoy watching my kiddos enjoy each other so very much. After a bit, we had to come inside and get cleaned up for dinner.

We left the house, picked up Grandma Riker, and drove towards some unknown location! We ended up at Jax's Ale House where the food was just so-so, but the company was fabulous! It is always a special treat to go out to dinner.....especially when the kiddos behave! It was a great deal of fun!

By the time we left the restaurant, dropped Grandma off, and arrived home, it was after 9pm and 3 kiddos were sound asleep in a deep coma like sleep - Hannah remained sleeping through her attempt to undress standing up!- so they just went to bed fully clothed! They all stayed asleep, so daddy and I had time to talk and regroup - a perfect ending to a perfect day!

I could not ask for anything more to celebrate today. I felt so loved and appreciated. So cherished. I felt like the best mommy my kiddos have ever had! (And the best wife my husband has ever had :-)

UPDATE: It is 1am and Little Robert just woke up vomiting.... maybe a not so perfect ending to a percfect day :-/ My poor baby....

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